I’m now offering cheap shemale phone sex to my loyal customers!  There will be special days of the week where I will offer discounted phone sex.  I’m also offering monthly packages.  If you’re not a loyal customer yet, but want to receive discounts, there a couple things you’ll need to do:

  • Purchase a 20 minute phone sex or sexting session with me.
  • Email me to get on my mailing list to receive my specials, promotions, etc.

I’ll send a calendar with the scheduled cheap shemale phone sex dates to give you plenty of advanced notice.  The first calendar will be released next week.

I’m available all weekend to fuck your mind while you suck my tranny cock.  I always get my way so no use it fighting what will always be.  You’ve probably been dreaming about having my throbbing shemale cock down your throat all week.

Call me and show me your cock sucking skills

855-500-COCK ext 806

Join Our Shecock Club and receive $5 off your first call!

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